A great day starts with a great night’s sleep
We partnered with the Sleepyhead Clinic to find out some top tips to improve sleep patterns - through switching radiators off and decreasing bedroom temperatures.
So, what did we find?
Rather than focus on hours ‘lost’, it’s more the conditions of the sleeping environment– creating a cosy, comfortable sleeping space at the optimal temperature – that is better to focus on.
To create that sleep-worthy environment, bedroom temperature should be kept at a consistent 17 degrees Celsius during the night, or at a minimum a few degrees colder than in the daytime. The notion of requiring 7-8 hours’ sleep – and the inability to get this due to Spring clock changes – is something we can all get around if we know how.

What the experts say:
Stephanie Romiszewski, leading sleep expert at the Sleepyhead Clinic, explains: “As our core body temperature drops just before sleep onset, having a temperature too high in your bedroom can unhelpfully increase the amount of time it takes you to fall and stay asleep.”
A good night’s rest is important as lack of sleep affects performance at work, relationships and emotional behaviour. However, this can be combatted by listening to your body, not the clock, and not binding yourself to a specific bedtime.
For best results:
Stephanie Romiszewski explains: “Sleep quality is more important than quantity, so don’t get bogged down into how many hours of sleep you get. Everyone is different and the amount of sleep you need may differ to someone else’s. Leave bad nights behind and don’t use poor sleep as an excuse to stop doing the things that keep you healthy, such as exercise and getting fresh air.”
For best results for a smoother wake-up, Sleepyhead Clinic recommends having the heating in your bedroom pre-set to increase in temperature 1-2 hours before you intend to wake.

What Worcester Bosch say:
Victoria Billings, our Director of Marketing, says: “Most of us think about our sleep and feel the impact when we aren’t sleeping as well as we’d like. To help create the best sleep environment for you, we’d suggest a good balance of listening to your body and mastering your smart devices.
“Devices such as the Bosch EasyControl, and smart radiator thermostats, mean you’ve got full control over what temperature you want it to be in each individual room. These devices, plus the hints and tips our partners at Sleepyhead have provided, are a good way to get the great sleep we all crave’.”