Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We’re striving to protect our planet for future generations, not only in the products we manufacture, but in the way we package and distribute them. We talk of ‘planet’ in place of ‘sustainability’ because we want this to be a wider conversation, one that goes beyond just what we’re doing as a business to address our carbon footprint. It’s about wider sustainability issues and what we can all do to help others address theirs.

Planet Friendly Packaging
Our new Greenstar 4000 boiler comes in planet friendly packaging, meaning all components can be recycled or composted.

Future of home heating
We welcome the new “green industrial revolution” that has been set out by the Prime Minister. The UK is leading the world in its drive towards net zero carbon emissions by 2050, and we look forward to working with the Government to help turn admirable ambition into accelerated action.

Distribution of products
Find out about some of the things we do within our distribution and logistics teams to improve efficiency and reduce fuel usage.
Our Environmental Commitment
Bosch has a deep-rooted understanding of sustainability. Ultimately, it allowed us to continue to live up to our aspirations for the sustainable development of the company. Find out more about our activities worldwide here.